Friday, August 24, 2007

Adoration of the footman ...

“Maam … may I worship your feet” was the question.

The Lady smiled a knowing smile and nodded extending the honor to this man who knelt before her. His knowledge and skill were unparalleled as he paid homage to her queenly feet. His lips were gentle as he kissed her feet. She granted him the honor and pleasure to suckle on a toe embellished with a dainty ring of gold only to wickedly deprive him as he neared an enraptured loss of control.

Shaking her head she commanded, “No! Do not lose control or you shall lose the privilege you are now partaking of”. His obedience and focus was restored as he delighted in small pleasures hoping that one day he might attain more favor at the feet of the beloved Mistress.

Pleasure my feet and pleasure me!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Well the transition to the new website is almost complete. All that remains now is to update pics regularly (photos available - email me and tell me which one)

Oh yes I also am going to share some of my delicious fantasy sessions. Would you like to be featured in one . . . come hither. Isn't fantasy wonderful?

Want your CC fix? Phone sessions available with prior arrangements. Just ask . . . you know you want to after all there are times when you just can't come!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And so it begins ...

Welcome! Red is the color of lust, sensuality, passion and desire.

I hope you enjoy my chronicles of life, passion and various exploits. Better still I invite you into them.

In the near future I will be sharing thoughts and wicked desires right here on "CC's Chronicles". I sincerely hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoy fantasizing and living them!